Royal College of Nursing Sciences, Ezzangbo is a higher institution of learning located at Umuagara, Ezzangbo, Ohaukwu Local Government Area, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.

The insitution was established to complement the government's efforts to produce enough health professionals to meet the needs of our country and beyond in areas of nursing, midwifery public health nursing and other related health professions. This will be achieved through engaging the best of brains as lecturers/instructors as well as using the best technology available.

Our National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) Nursing Programmes have been designed to allow for seamless academic progression of our graduates along the already existing system of education in the country. We also take cognizance of the new scheme of service for nurses in Nigeria as approved by the National Council of Establishments in 2016.

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